Author = alizadeh, hassan
Cardinal temperatures of Ambrosia (Ambrosia psilostachya) using regression models

Volume 19, Issue 1, June 2023, Pages 1-10


Nasrin Sadeqnejad; Hassan Alizadeh; Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi; Mostafa Oveisi; Somaye Tokasi

Evaluation of some pre-planting and post-emergence herbicides on Citrullus colocynthis control

Volume 18, Issue 2, January 2023, Pages 125-134


Zohre Amoozad Khalili; Hassan Alizadeh; Sirwan Babaei

Pretilachlor and bensulfuron methyl interactions in paddy weed control

Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 35-46


Shaban Alizadeh; Hassan Alizadeh; Bijan Yaghoubi; Mostafa Oveisi

Efficiency of post-emergence herbicides and stale seedbed integration in weed control in potato fields in Karaj region

Volume 17, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 1-10


Hossein HajiAbaee; Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi; Hassan Alizadeh; Mostafa Oveisi

Critical time of cutting after fruit development to prevent germination of Swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum) seeds

Volume 17, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 111-126


Sasan Abdolahi Lorestani; Mostafa Oveisi; Hassan Alizadeh; Hamid Rahimain Mashhadi

Evaluation of different cultivars of wheat, barley and oat crops tolerance to trifluralin

Volume 17, Issue 1, May 2021, Pages 17-26


Saba Yazdanipoor; Hassan Alizadeh; Iraj Nosratti; Sohbat Bahraminejad

Efficiency of soil-applied herbicides to in Phelipanche aegyptiaca control in sunflower cultivars

Volume 17, Issue 1, May 2021, Pages 41-52


Mokhtar Aghaalikhani; Hassan Alizadeh; Mostafa Oveisi; Mojtaba Mirabzadeh Ardekani

Indirect quantitative seed bioassay as a useful method for evaluating herbicide tolerance in wheat cultivars

Volume 16, Issue 2, October 2020, Pages 129-140


Sommayeh Abbasyan; Seid-Ali Peyghambari; Mohhamad-Reza Bihamta; Hassan Alizadeh; Reza Maalee-Ammiri

Initial Investigation on Biological Control of Some Important Weed Species of Wheat Fields Using Rhizosphere Fusariums

Volume 16, Issue 1, April 2020, Pages 27-36


Farshid Nooralvandi; Hassan Alizadeh; Hosein Saremi; Gholamreza Salehi Jozani

Effect of herbicide application time on dose efficacy for weed control in maize (Zea mays)

Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2019, Pages 29-41


Behnaz pourmorad kaleibar; Hassan Alizadeh; Mostafa Oveisi

Weeds identification in corn fields based on image processing techniques and artificial neural networks

Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2019, Pages 93-107


Abdol- Hossein Dashti; Mostafa Oveisi; Hamid Rahimian; Hassan Alizadeh

Study on Bioavailability of some Wheat Herbicides in Different Tillage Systems and their Impact on Corn

Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2017, Pages 121-131

satar javid; Hassan Alizadeh; mohammad Reza Jahansouz; farshid nouralvandi