Author = Baghestani, Mohammad ali
Interactions between Herbicide Dose and Weed Leaf Area Damage Coefficient in a Multiple Weed Species Competition with Maize

Volume 9, Issue 2, January 2014, Pages 127-140

mostafa oveisi; hamid Rahimian; Mohammad Ali Baghestani; Hassan Alizadeh

An Audit for Weed Science in Iran during the Years 2009 and 2010

Volume 9, Issue 1, September 2013, Pages 1-13

eskandar zand; mohammad Ali Baghestani; Hassan Alizadeh; Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi; Hamid Reza Sasanfar; sirvan khosravi; parviz shimi; mansour Montazeri; mehdi Meanbashi; mohammad Reza Mousavi; Javid Gherekhloo; Fariba meighani; Mohammad Abdollahian; Akbar Moradi; mehdi Rastgoo

Evaluation of Various Herbicide Efficiency in Weed Control of Sesame (Sesamum indica) in Jiroft and Kohnuj

Volume 8, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 1-12

Ebrahim mamnooie; Parviz shimi; mohammad Baghestani

Study the Effect of Thiobencarb Method of Application on Causing Dwarfism in Rice

Volume 8, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 1-16

Bijan Yaghoubi; Mohammad Baghestani; Hassan Alizadeh; Hamid Rahimian; Naser Davatgar; Atosa Farahpour

Effect of Cono-Weeder and Herbicide Application on Weeds Population, Growth Indices and Yield in Rice

Volume 8, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 71-86

sobhan Mahzari; Mohammad Baghestani; Amit Shirani Rad; Morteza Nasiri Rad; Mohsen Omrani

Effect of Time of Auxin Herbicides Application on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat

Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 1-12

parviz shimi; Mohammad ali Baghestani; Abdolaziz Haghigi; Hamid Rahimian; Hassan Alizadeh

Rate and Time of Application of Herbicides on Hordeum spontaneum in Fars Wheat Fields

Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 79-89

mohammad jamali; Mohammad Baghestani

Effect of Pre harvest Paraquat Application on Canola (Brassica napus) Yield and Seed Quality

Volume 7, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 79-89

Iraj Maleki; eskandar zand; Mohammad Baghestani; javad Angaji