Author = Rashed Mohasel, Mohamad Hasan
Wild Barely (Hordeum spontaneum koch) populations response to sulfosulfuron herbicide.

Volume 17, Issue 1, May 2021, Pages 1-16


Mojtaba Hosseini; Reza Ghorbani; Mohammad Hassan Rashed mohassel; Mohsen Yassaie

Effects of summer crops on weeds densities and biomass and wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) yield in Khuzestan province

Volume 14, Issue 2, December 2018, Pages 19-30


reza pourazar; Parviz Rezvani; Mohamad Hasan Rashed Mohasel; Eskanar Zand

The Associations of Soil Properties and Climatic Factors with Weed Distribution in Turfgrasses

Volume 13, Issue 2, January 2018, Pages 147-156


ali lashkari; Mehdi rastgoo; Mahdi minbashi; ali ghanbari; Mohammad Hasan Rashed Mohassel

Role of Ile-2041-Asn in conferring high-level resistance to clodinafop-propargyl in winter wild oat (Avena ludoviciana) populations

Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2017, Pages 133-150

Hamidreza sasanfar; mehdi rastgo; eskandar zand; Abdolreza bagheri; Mohammad Hassan Rashed mohassel

Using florescence induction curve on the control of Amaranthus retroflexus and Solanum nigrum

Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2017, Pages 151-169

Aliasghar chitband; Reza ghorbani; mohammadHassan Rashedmohassel; mohammadAli Baghestani; mahboube nabizadeh

Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Logistic Regression for Predicting Weeds Presence in Dryland Chickpea Fields of Kurdistan Province

Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2014, Pages 201-222

Sahar Mansourian; Ebrahim Eizadi Darbandi; Mohammad Hassan Rashed Mohassel; Mehdi Rastgoo; Homayoun Kanouni

Effect of Amount and Methods of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Applications in Wheat weed Density and Growth

Volume 8, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 79-91

Ebrahim Ezadi Darbandi; mohammad Rashed Mohassel; Masoud Azad