Rate and Time of Application of Herbicides on Hordeum spontaneum in Fars Wheat Fields

Document Type : Research Paper



An experiment were conducted to find out the proper herbicide and stage of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) for chemical control during two years (2009 -2011). Trial was conducted by 9 treatments and 4 replications under RCBD in Fars Agricultural Research Center (Zarghan). Treatments included sulfosulfuron (Apyros 75 WG) and sulfosulfuron 75% + metsulfuron-methyl 25% (Total) at different phenological stages of wild barley (Three leaves unfolded and second node detectable). Plot size was 5 × 6 m. Untreated plots were arranged close to each treated plots. Analysis of variance showed significant difference among treatments, while effects of year and year ´ treatment were not significantly different. Mean comparison remarked that Apyros 30g/h and Total 45g/h at Zadoks: 32 ranked first. The most sensitive stage of wild barley was the second node detectable which responsed effectively to herbicides. Wild barley did not response effectively to herbicides in early phenological stages (Zadoks:13). It was recovered during growing season.


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