The Influence of Light, Temperature and Seed Coat on Germination of Different Populations of Wild Oats (Avena ludoviciana)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Others

2 nothing

3 Faculty Member of Tehran University


Seed of wild oats can persist in the soil for a long time due to its dormancy. Studing the different factors affecting germination behaviors of this weed seeds will result in a properly control program. To quantify the rate of wild oat population's germination response to light and darkness, two experiments were performed in laboratory. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three replications. Experimental treatments were temperature (10/5, 3, 5, 10 and 15 ◦c), seed coat (with and without), and populations (Ahvaz, Kordestan and Shiraz). The results showed that germination responses to temperature changed based on seed coating. Seeds of wild oat populations were not germinated at constant temperatures of 3 and 5°C and also at fluctuating temperatures and Non-treated seeds germinated at 10 and 15°C. In the other words, increasing temperatures impact the germination velocity. The highest germination percentage (%87) occurred in the 10/5 C, in Shiraz population. Among populations, Ahvaz needed maximum growing degree days to reach 50% germination. Coated seed did not germinate at light or darkness in the 10/5 °C and 3 and 5°C. Significant difference were evident in germination percentage of coated and without coat seeds of wild oat population. This indicates the role of genetic factors and environmental conditions during plant growth and the germination behavior of seeds. Precise and accurate prediction of the time of seed germination and emergence based on feedback of environmental conditions should be considered to performe the effective control method or methods in integrated weed management.


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