Effect of different levels of nitrogen and rimsulfuron herbicide on weeds control and Potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Plant Protection Expert Agricultural Jahad Organization Kerman south

2 Faculty Member of Plant Protection Research Department, South Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Jiroft, Iran.,

3 esearch Scientist Weed Research Department Plant Protection Research Institute P.O.Box 1454 Tehran 19395 Iran

4 Tehran.Iran.4- Department of Agronomy university of Mohaghegh Ardabili


To evaluate the effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and rimsulfuron herbicide interactions on weeds density and biomass and potato yield, a field study was conducted as a factorial experiment on the randomized complete block design with 3 replications in South Kerman Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Jiroft. The treatments included rimsulfuron 25%DF application at five levels (0, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g ha-1) and nitrogen fertilizer as urea 46 at 4 levels (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg ha-1). Weed densities was measured 30 days after spraying and weed biomass and potato yield were measured at the end of the growing season. The results showed that rimsulfuron and nitrogen fertilizer had significant effects on density and biomass of all weeds (Digera muricata (L.) Mart., Echinochloa colonum L., Chenopodium murale L., Malva parviflora L. and Portulaca oleracea L.). weed density and biomass decreased significantly, when rimsulfuron increased. In the absence of rimsulfuron, using the nitrogen increased weed density and dry weight. However, application of nitrogen fertilizer and imsulfuron decreased weeds density and biomass. Application of 50 and 60 g ha-1 rimsulfuron plus 180 kg ha-1 nitrogen was the best treatment for reducing the density and biomass of weeds and increasing yield of potato by 91 (35.9 T ha-1) and 92% (36.38 T ha-1), compared to the control treatment, respectively.


Anonymous.2018. Statistics on agriculture. 2016-2017 Crop growing season. Ministry of agriculture, department of planning & economic, information and communication technology center. Volume 1.page 75. (In persian)
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