Effect of integrated weeds management on yield and yield components of corn

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Head of Plant Production Department of Agricultural Jahad in Birjand

2 2- Department of Agriculture, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran


In order to study of integrated management effect of weeds on yield and yield components of corn was carried out an experiment as factorial split in the base of randomized complete blocks design in three replications in 2012-2013 in Khosf, Iran. Main plots were in 2 levels (with and without cultivator) and sub plots were a combination of factors of density in 2 levels (100,000 and 150,000 plants.ha-1) and reduced rates of Lumax herbicide in 4 levels (0, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 L.ha-1 that is recommended dose). The means comparison showed that cultivation could alone decrease 67 and 71% of dry weight and the total number of weeds, respectively. Also, treatments of cultivation and 1.5, 3 and 4.5 L.ha-1 of herbicide application placed in a statistical group for seed yield and cultivation and 1.5 L.ha-1 of herbicide application treatment with grain yield of 3988 Kg, caused an increase of 64.6 and 53.7% in grain yield as comparison with treatments of without cultivation and 1.5 L.ha-1 of herbicide application and cultivation and no application of herbicide, respectively. Moreover, increase in plant density didn’t have effect on grain yield. Therefore, with the aim of sustainable agriculture and reduction of chemical use in cropping systems with weed integrated management, the use dose of Lumax new herbicide can be reduced to 66% that in this case, undesirable effects of herbicides on environment and resistance of weeds to herbicides will be decreased.


Main Subjects

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