Evaluation the possibility of chemical weed control in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Zanjan

2 Associate Professor, University of Zanja

3 . PhD of Weed Science, University of Tehran


To determine the selective herbicides for weed control in black cumin, an experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete block design at the Research Farm of university of Zanjan. Experimental treatments consisted of POST application of foramsulforon, oxadiazinon, niclosulfuron, rimsulforone, sulfosulfuron, atlantis Ottelo and Pre-plant application of pendimethaline. Results showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the density and biomass of weeds and black cumin (P <0.01). All herbicides except atlantis and foramsulforon decreased grasses weed biomass. Biomass of broadleaf weeds was reduced by herbicides in which the highest control was obtained from Atlantis and Ottelo. The treatments including pendimethaline, rimsulforone, Ottelo and Atlantis controlled total weeds by 60, 59, 57 and 50 %, respectively. The highest crop yield was achieved in weed free plots. Among the herbicides, oxadiazinon and foramsulforon caused the lowest injury on black cumin.


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