Efficacy of chemical and non-chemical weed control approaches in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) fields in Kurdistan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Dept. of Plant Production and Genetic Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Dept. of Plant Production and Genetics Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan Sanandaj, Iran.

3 Sanandaj Agricultural Training and Research Center, Sanandaj, Iran.


In order to investigate the effect of different chemical and non-chemical weed control approaches in strawberry fields, this study was conducted as a randomized complete block design with three replications in a perennial strawberry field in Sanandaj in 2019. Treatments included some pre (indaziflam and trifluralin) and post-emergence (tribenuron methyl and clodinafop propargyl) emergence herbicides and non-chemical methods including hand weeding, vinegar, mulches (transparent and black poly ethylene, straw and sawdust), flaming and check. The results showed that different treatments had significant effects on most of the studied traits of strawberry and weeds.  Weed biomass had a significant decrease (97%) after indaziflam application compared to weed infested treatment. Tribenuron methyl and sawdust mulch had no differences from hand weeding and reduced weed biomass by 86% compared to weed infested. Also, sawdust and indaziflam resulted in the highest strawberry yield (703.02 and 686.51 g.m-2) compared to the other methods. In general, indaziflam and sawdust not only had not negative effect on strawberry fruit, but also due to the proper weed control effects, they increase the strawberry yield (126 and 131%, respectively, compared to the weed-infested check) and can be used as recommended weed control method in these fields.



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