Evaluation of Wild Oat Seedling Emergence after Herbicide Application in Wheat

Document Type : Research Paper


Winter weeds have different emergence flashes in field and response to this question whether there is flash emergence after applying herbicide, can be effective in the selection of right time for weed control. Therefore, emergence pattern of the wild oat seedlings was studied for three years from 2011 to 2014 in cereal fields of Fars province. The cumulative emergence pattern of wild oat during 2011-2012 showed that 50% of emergence occurred at growing degree days (GDD) of 115. The emergence percent revealed that 21.09, 45.00, 19.37 and 2.43% seeds respectively at GDD of 99.25, 136.75, 180 and 220 were emergence. The emergence pattern in 2012-2013 crop years also showed that a GDD of 127 was required for 50% emergence. This amount for 2013-2014 crop years was 146 GDD. With regard to the contamination and presence of wild oats in the fields, final results of this study showed that the hypothesis of various flashes after the herbicide application is rejected. All the weed seedlings emerge in in fields during the first month after planting.


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