Determination and Investigation of Potential Allelopathic in Burdock (Xanthium Strumarium) Alkaloids on Germination Indices of Sunflower Cultivars

Document Type : Research Paper


In this study shoot extracts of Xanthium strumarium were prepared and analyzed using GC-MS method. Three alkaloids including (coniine (C8H17N), (hyoscyamine (C17H21NO4) and (scopolamine (C17 H21 N1 O4) were found and extracted. The potential allelopathic effects of these compounds were evaluated in a factorial experiment based on RCBD with 3 replications on the germination and seedling growth of six sunflower hybrids including zaria, progress, hyson33, armavirosky, uroflor and bilyzar. Results showed that the three way interaction effect of alkaloid × concentration × hybrid is significant on germination percentage and rate. Highest inhibitory potential was related to coniine and scopolamine, while lowest value was found in hyoscyamine. Increasing the concentration of alkaloid, also increased their inhibitory effect. Root and shoot dry weight of all sunflower hybrids were affected by the inhibitory effect of identify alkaloids. Both these traits were influenced more by scopolamine and Coniine then hyoscyamine. Generally, it was concluded that three different alkaloides exist in burdock which have different allelopathic effects and may influence the next crop plant. The mechanisms which are responsible for the inhibitory effects of these allelochemicals may be useful for finding compounds which as herbicides.


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