Investigation of the Cross Resistance to ACCase Inhibitor Herbicides in Wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu.) Populations from Khuzestan Province and Chemical Control of Resistant Populations

Document Type : Research Paper



Cross resistance of thirteen wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu.) populations collected from Khuzestan province, to Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors were investigated using by different methods. Also, another experiment was conducted to determination the alternative herbicides for control resistant populations. Experiments were include of populations screening, dose response of populations to clodinafop-propargyl, response of populations to chemical groups of ACCase inhibitors and effect of different herbicides on resistant populations. Investigation of different methods showed that percentage reduction of fresh weight and visual rating are the best trait to resistant determination. The levels of resistance of most populations were very high. Cross resistance to different groups of ACCase inhibitors pattern varied among populations. Result of different herbicides effect showed that Acetolactat syntase (ALS) inhibitors that were studied (Iodofulforon+Mezosulforon+Mefen Pier diethyl, Sulfosulforon+ Metsulforon and Iodofulforon+Mezosulforon+Mefen diethyl) could control resistant populations. The best treatment for control of populations was Iodofulforon+Mezosulforon+Mefen diethyl that controlled eighty and twenty percent of populations excellently and well, respectively. Pinoxaden and clodinafop-propargyl+pinoxaden could control resistant populations well. Because of early indications that resistance may be developing in most of populations and possibly reducing herbicide performance, it is important how to use of them


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