Investigating the Efficacy of Selective Herbicides in Cotton Fields

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to control cotton weeds chemically and introducing new herbicides with different modes of action, an experiment was carried out in three locations (Varamin, Golestan, Khorasan) in 2004. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with 11 treatments and 4 replications. trifluralin at 1200 g(ai)/ha (ppi), ethalfluralin at 1160 g(ai)/ha, diuron at 2400 g(ai)/ha (pre emergence), trifloxysulfuron sodium at 11.25 and 15 g(ai)/ha with cytogate 2/1000 ( post emergence at the 5- 8 leaf stages of cotton), fluometuron + prometryn at 1232, 1936, 2464 g(ai)/ha (pre sowing) and fluometuron + prometryn at 1499, 2024, 2552 g(ai)/ha (pre emergence) were used. Results showed that fluometuron + prometryn at 2024 and 2552 g(ai)/ha (pre emergence) and trifloxysulfuron sodium at 11.25 and 15 g(ai)/ha and Diuron at 2400 g(ai)/ha increased yield and yield components of cotton. Fluometuron + prometryn at other treatments effectively increased yield components compared with trifluralin and ethalfluralin. Fluometuron + prometryn at 2024 and 2552 g(ai)/ha (pre emergence) and trifloxysulfuron sodium at 11.25 and 15 g(ai)/ha were most effective in decreasing dry weight and density of weeds. Depending on weed species, trifloxysulfuron sodium and fluometuron + prometryn showed some difference in control of weeds


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